
“所以,你们要遵守你们的上帝耶和华的诫命,行祂的道,敬畏祂, 因为祂要带你们到一个佳美之地。那里的谷中和山间流淌着条条溪流、股股清泉;”申8:6-7

Chinese, Churches, Communities, Mission / US, China, Asia, Global

In early 2000, the mission of North America Mainland Chinese Mission (NAMCM) became a clearly shared vision among a group of Chinese pastors who came from China. The vision was that God will some day draw countless young people from a vast desert into His own glory. Here at NAMCM, we serve Chinese communities and Chinese Churches in US as well as having our own China-mission  programs in China. We provide regional and national fellowship &  training to Chinese Christians in US and China. Most of our members are in US, but now we are embracing more and more members in China-mainland, Hong Kong, SE Aisa, and Europe. God is doing amazing things among us!

North America Mainland Chinese Mission is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization registered and headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The current organization consists of a board, ministry committees, and administration office.